

Fear – Pokémongering

By now, even if you have not yet played Pokémon Go, you are more aware of it than your own breathing. You have read that the app has been more downloaded than any other app, ever, and that it has actually convinced kids to leave the house to go play […]

Opinion Sports

Slam Duncan

On Monday, July 11, one of the greatest basketball players to ever step onto an NBA court announced his retirement after 19 seasons as one of the most productive and reliable big men of all time. There was no season-long farewell tour, no primetime press conference, no pomp or circumstance. […]


Z truth about young folks and food

You can tell a person’s age by his teeth. No, not by whether they’re missing or yellowed (or, if they’re really old: wooden!). They key is what the teeth are sinking into. “Generation Z”—the folks born after 1995—have already established different eating patterns than the rest of us. At least, […]

Opinion Sports

Building a villain

On July 4, the sporting world woke to some blockbuster news; Kevin Durant, one of the five best basketball players on the planet, was leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder and joining forces with the Golden State Warriors to help bring about the downfall of the NBA and spit on the […]


The other July holidays

Feeling a little down because the big July holiday is already behind us, with nothing to show for it but leftover red, white and blue frosted cupcakes? (Isn’t blue frosting repulsive? And isn’t that why the cupcakes are left over?) Take heart, die-hard celebrants. It turns out July is chock […]